Sunday, 24 April 2016

British Punk and British Post Punk presentation & thoughts


Jamie Reid
known for is ransom note style typography and came close to defining the image of punk rock
His best known works include the Sex Pistols album Never Mind the Bollocksand "God Save The Queen" (based on a Cecil Beaton photograph of Queen Elizabeth II, with an added safety pin through her nose and swastikas in her eyes, described by Sean O'Hagan of The Observer as "the single most iconic image of the punk era"

Barney Bubbles
radical English graphic artist whose work encompassed graphic design and music video direction. is best known for his distinctive contribution to the design practices associated with the British independent music scene of the 1970s and 1980s. His record sleeves, laden with symbols and riddles, were his most recognisable output.


Malcolm Garrett
British graphic designer, who has worked for music artists such as Buzzcocks, Magazine, Duran Duran, Simple Minds, and Peter Gabriel. He was an early convert to exploring the opportunities and challenges of design with digital technology, and his London studio was the first amongst its peers to go totally digital in 1990.

Peter Saville
English art director and graphic designer. He came to fame for the many record sleeves he designed for Factory Records, of which he was a director.

He grew in demand as a younger generation of people in advertising and fashion had grown up with his work for Factory Records. He reached a creative and a commercial peak with design consultancy clients such as Selfridges, EMI and Pringle. Other significant commissions came from the field of fashion.

Not my favourite style. I definitely think it’s a little rougher around the edges and very out there. I would like to try the ransom style of typography but for the most part, kind of like the way it looks but it won’t be something I pursue further in my design process. 

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